Waldo Reads Together 

Connecting you with community through reading & discussion

Waldo Reads Together Postponed Until 2026

Due to a change in staffing at Literacy Volunteers of Waldo County, the Waldo Reads Together program will be taking a hiatus for 2025. In order to be able to offer an organized and thoughtful community book read, we have decided to use 2025 to get a head start on planning. We are aiming to announce the next Waldo Reads book at the beginning of next year with book discussions taking place in spring of 2026. Our book selection committee will meet frequently in the coming months, and we look forward to taking this time to make some adjustments to the program based on feedback received from participant surveys. If you are interested in becoming a facilitator for our 2026 Waldo Reads Together book discussions, please reach out to Ashley Megquier at amegquier@rsu71.org. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ll stay in touch, and hope that you’ll participate in the next round of Waldo Reads Together!

To be added to our mailing list or FMI contact Literacy Volunteers at www.waldoreads.com or amegquier@rsu71.org

“One Book, One Community,” created by the American Library Association, is a book discussion program that offers a community-wide read of one designated book over the same period of time with discussions and related activities about the book’s themes.  Waldo Reads Together is our local version of this program, offered in 2020 for the first time through the initiative of Aging Well in Waldo County and partner organizations to help alleviate some social isolation and connect community members.  The initiative has since been led by Literacy Volunteers of Waldo County, in partnership with Belfast Free Library, and a committee of community members.